The following regulations are formulated in accordance with the “Draft Measures on Granting Foreign Students Chinese Degrees for Colleges and Universities ” by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, the “Administrative Regulations on Recruiting Foreign Students for Colleges and Universities ” by the Ministry of Education, and the current management practice of full-time international students in GDOU .
第一章 入学与注册
Section One: Enrollment and Registration
第一条 凡申请进入我校学习的全日制留学研究生,应符合以下基本条件:
1. International students applying for a full-time course should meet the following basic requirements:
a. HSK Band 3, or New HSK Band 4 at/ above 180 for Science ; HSK Band 6, or New HSK Band 5 at/above 180 for Liberal Arts .
b. A bachelor's degree or master's degree is required for a master’s or doctorate application.
c. The required documents stated in the International Students Prospectus to school administration for review and approval.If invalid documents are provided or important information are concealed, the student will be reprimanded or expelled from the university .
第二条 经正式录取的本校新生持来华学习签证(X签证)、《录取通知书》和本人护照按期到研究生处办理入学手续。因故不能按规定时间报到者,应以书面形式(并附有关证明)向研究生处请假,经批准后方可缓期报到。请假时间一般不得超过两周。未经请假或请假逾期者,除因不可抗力等正当事由外,视为放弃入学资格。
2. International students should enroll at Postgraduate Office in due time with an ‘X’ (study) visa, admission notice and passport.Those who are unable to arrive on or before the appointed date must alternatively present documentary evidence to justify approval of a late arrival within two weeks of the appointed date. Those who fail to register on time will lose his admission qualification.
第三条 新生来华后需到广东国际旅行卫生保健中心进行体检。体检不合格者取消入学资格。不符合中国卫生检疫法规定的健康标准者,应立即离境,一切费用自理。
3. International students have to undergo a thorough medical examination in the International Travel Health Care Center of Guangdong. For those who do not pass this medical examination, their enrollment will be cancelled. Those whose physical conditions do not meet Chinese legal health requirements will be required to leave the country immediately, and their related expenses should be covered by themselves.
第四条 取得学籍者,获研究生处颁发的留学生证。每学期开学时,留学生必须持留学生证按时到研究生处以及就读学院办理注册手续(具体注册时间见学校开学通知)。经注册后,取得学籍,才有资格参加学校按教学计划安排的所有活动。
4. The postgraduate office will issue student-cards to international students who, at the beginning of each new term, are then required to register in the office of their chosen School of study on time with their student-cards and then they will be qualified to participate in all activities based on the teaching plan.Those unable to register on time should get permission from the postgraduate office for their late registration, otherwise the student will be marked as absent without authority. Those delaying registration for more than two weeks without permission or acceptable reasons will be warned or expelled from the university.
第五条 留学研究生入学后,应在导师指导下,在一个月内制订好留学研究生培养计划。培养计划的制订应符合专业培养方案的要求,也要适合留学研究生本人的实际水平。培养计划经导师同意后执行。
5. International postgraduate students should devise their own course programs under the guidance of their supervisors within a month after registration. The course program should be made not only in accordance with the student’s own wishes but also with the graduate’s proven skills: the course program will only be adopted with the supervisor’s approval.
第二章 考核与考勤
Section Two: Assessment and Attendance
第六条 留学研究生应当参加学校研究生教学计划规定的课程和各种教学环节(以下统称课程)的考核,考核成绩记入成绩册,并归入本人档案。
6. International students have to take all courses and relevant examinations set in the postgraduate program, and the course grades will be recorded on file. The curriculum and compulsory courses are arranged on the education program for international students, in which such courses as English and political theory are not included. However, students are required to complete 4 credits by taking the courses such as Chinese language, Contemporary China and Intercultural Communication offered by the postgraduate office (Basic Chinese, Introduction of China, Intercultural Communication). Chinese is the predominant language of the postgraduates’ curriculum.
第七条 考核分为考试和考查两种。具体按《广东海洋大学硕士研究生培养管理暂行办法》或《广东海洋大学博士研究生培养工作细则》执行。
7. Types of evaluation are examination and course assessment, performed in accordance with the Interim Regulations of Cultivate Management for Graduate Students of GDOU or Cultivating Rules for Doctoral Students of GDOU.
第八条 留学研究生严重违反考核纪律或作弊的,该课程考核成绩按“零”分记,并视其情节轻重,给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分。
8. Students who are caught cheating or violating testing procedures during an exam will be punished by being graded “zero” and will be subject to warnings or dismissal from the school.
第九条 留学研究生如不能按时参加教学计划规定和学校统一组织的活动,应当事先由本人提交书面请假申请,按照请假规定履行请假手续;除急病或紧急事故外,不得事后补办请假手续。凡未经请假或请假未批准或请假虽经批准但逾期未归者,按旷课论处。对旷课者,视其情节轻重,给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分。
9. Students who are unable to attend classes or activities set and organized in/by course program or college on time should submit a written application for leave beforehand. The second attempt application will not be permitted unless either acute illness or other emergency is demonstrated. Students who do not ask for leave, take leave without permission or take leave beyond the permitted time are regarded as absent without authority , and will receive formal criticism or some other appropriate disciplinary action.
第十条 留学研究生请假审批办法如下:
10. The procedure for requesting permission for leave is as follows:
a. Leave due to illness
Students requiring leave due to illness should have a certified hospital diagnosis. For leave of one week or less, approval is only needed from the advising professor, and then notification should be given to the student’s own school for the records. For leave of more than one week, students have to get approval from their advising professor, their own school and the postgraduate office.
b. Leave for personal reasons
Students requesting personal leave have to submit an application. For leave of one week or less, approval from the advising professor is needed, and notification should be given to the school of study for the records. For leave of more than one week, students have to get permission from their advising professor, the school of study and the postgraduate office, and then get approval from the Postgraduate Office and Foreign Affairs Office.
第十一条 请假者须在请假期满后的第1天到学院报到销假。未经批准而擅自离校、逾期不返校以及不按时销假者以旷课论处。有特殊原因需续假者,需重新办理请假手续。在一学期内请假累计超一个月者应当休学。
11. Once an approved period of leave has ended, a student should return to their school, and the next day after their return, cancellation of the leaving record is required. Students who leave without permission or take leave longer than the permitted time will be regarded as absent without authority. A student who needs to extend his/her leave period should apply for permission from all the relevant departments. If a student is absent from class for a total of the equivalent of more than one month in a term, they should suspend their studies.
第十二条 留学研究生假期回国,不得提前离校,并应按规定准时返校,逾期不返校者以旷课论处;其他时间离校均应办理请假手续。
12. Students are not permitted to leave for holidays within the semester, and should return to school on time when the vacation ends. Students who take leave beyond the permitted time are regarded as absent without authority. Students who need to take leave during the semester should apply for permission.
第十三条 留学研究生享受我国法定传统节假日及学校的寒暑假。若逢留学研究生本国的重大节日,可向研究生处及就读学院申请放假1天。此类请假每年不得超过2次。
13. International students are entitled to have time off for the usual allotted Chinese festivals, holidays, and summer and winter vacations. Furthermore they may apply for one extra day’s leave, which will be permitted a maximum of twice a year, from the postgraduate office and their school on the occasion of important holidays in their home country.
第三章 转学、转专业及转导师
Section Three: Changing Schools, Majors, and Advising Professors
第十四条 留学研究生入学后,一般不受理转学、转专业及改换指导老师等事项。
14. After enrollment, postgraduate students are not allowed to transfer to another university, change major, or change the advising professor.
第十五条 转学
15. If transferring to another school or university, postgraduate students normally have to complete the course studied at the school where they first enrolled. If students cannot fully adapt themselves to their studies or cannot continue their studies for a particular reason (such as illness or special difficulties), they may apply to transfer to another school or university.
a. Students intending to transfer have to lodge an application, which needs approval by their supervisor, the relevant school, the postgraduate office and an appropriate president of the university.
b. If the student intends to transfer to another university, their transfer application must be approved by both universities. The students with a government scholarship should also get the permission of their embassy and of the China Scholarship Council.
c. Students in the following categories will not be allowed to transfer to another university:
I. Students who have studied at the university for less than one term;
II .Students who have studied at the university for more than one year;
III. Students who are forced to leave the school;
IV. Students who give no credible reason for their transfer request.
第十六条 转专业
16. Changing majors
Postgraduate students who wish to change their major should be in one of the following cases:
a. The arrangement of their original major of study has been altered;
b. The advising professor has left his post or has not returned from abroad after a significant amount of time, and the situation cannot be readjusted or rearranged in an acceptable manner;
c. The student suffers from an ailment, physical defect, or other specific problem which negatively affects their studies in their major but who would nonetheless be able to carry on their studies in another major or school;
Students who meet one of these former conditions and wish to change majors should abide by the following conditions:
□ A student who wishes to change major within the same school must get approval from both the president and the vice-president of the school’s degree assessment committee.
□ A student who wishes to change class within the same major must get approval from the postgraduate office, and then apply to a senior manager for permission.
□ A student who wishes to change to a different major and school in the same discipline must get approval from the postgraduate office.
Postgraduate students who have changed their major may go through their postgraduate mid-study assessment only after they have taken and passed at least four bachelor’s level courses or no less than three master’s level courses in that major under the guidance of their advising professor.
A student’s period of study/research in a new major may not be shorter than that of his/her former major. If a student’s period of study is prolonged due to a major transfer, any related excess fees will be paid by the student himself and/or their advising professor.
第十七条 转导师
17. Changing advising professors
If a situation arises in which an advising professor is unable to continue performing their mentoring role adequately, then the students under that professor may request a new advising professor. Such students, on submitting an application stating the reasons for seeking a new advising professor, should get the approval of both the original and proposed advising professor as well as the leaders of their school, and notify the postgraduate office.
If a personal dispute arises between a student and their advising professor, their school should serve as mediator in settling the conflict. If the problem persists, the school should propose a solution to the problem and then attempt to implement it after approval from the postgraduate office and the leaders of GDOU.
第十八条 留学研究生在学习期间申请转学、转专业或转导师,在办理过程中若出现异议,由就读学院提出具体处理意见,报学校审批。
18. If irremediable issues appear during a student’s attempt to change school, major, or advising professor, the student’s school should propose a solution and then apply to the School of International Education and the postgraduate office for their respective approvals.
第四章 休学与复学
Section Four: Postponing and Resuming Studies
第十九条 留学研究生因病或其他特殊情况,可以申请休学。留学研究生有以下情形之一,应当休学:
19. Students may apply for leave from their studies due to illness or other special reasons. Students in the following cases should formally take leave from school:
a. a student who requires hospital treatment of one month or more;
b. a student who has been diagnosed with a serious contagious illness (such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.)
c. a student who needs to discontinue their studies for some approved reason.
第二十条 留学研究生休学期限一般为一学期,特殊情况经同意可继续休学,但休学时间累计不得超过一年。
20. Absence from studies for international postgraduate students is generally limited to one term. With the school approval, leaving may be granted for longer periods, but the total absence may not exceed one year.
第二十一条 留学研究生休学,按照以下程序办理:
21. Students who plan to leave the university have to observe and be aware of the following guidelines:
a. International students wanting to take leave from their studies at the university should apply in writing. Students who leave due to illness should also submit a certified hospital diagnosis of their illness. These should be submitted to the Postgraduate Office and Foreign Affairs Office for their records but only after approval has been obtained from their advising professor and the relevant school.
b. The relevant school should submit its recommendations to the postgraduate office on the best way to handle situations relating to students who have taken leave without following the appropriate leaving procedures.
c. Once approved, students will receive notification granting their leave from the university without losing their student status. Students must complete all leaving procedures within one week after receiving this notification. During a student’s period of leave from the university, they may not take part in any classes or examinations.
d. International students on leave for illness should return to their home country for recuperation.
e. International students return to their home countries at their own expense.
f. International students with Chinese government scholarships cannot get scholarship funds during their period of absence.
第二十二条 留学研究生休学期满,应当于休学期满一个月前提出复学书面申请。因病休学的留学研究生,申请复学时必须由所在国公立医院诊断,证明恢复健康,并经学校复查合格,确认能坚持正常学习,经导师、学院同意,报研究生处、对外联络处审核,主管校长批准,方可复学。
22. International students who wish to resume their interrupted studies should apply to the university in writing one month before their leave ends. Students who left due to illness must submit certified physical examination documents confirming their good health when they apply to resume their studies. Once it is verified that a student will be able to resume their normal studies and approval has been granted by the advising professor and school, the postgraduate office and Foreign Affairs Office will agree to let the student resume their studies.
第二十三条 留学研究生休学期间,如发现有严重违法乱纪、不宜继续培养者,经学校批准,取消其复学资格,予以退学处理。
23. If it is found out that a student on leave has broken the law during their absence away from the university, the student will be subject to having their eligibility to resume their studies revoked and they may be subject to other punishments and disciplinary measures.
第五章 退 学
Section Five: Dismissal from the University
第二十四条 留学研究生有下列情况之一者,应予以退学:
24. Students in the following categories will be subject to dismissal from the university:
a. students who do not register within two weeks after the start of the term without a valid excuse;
b. students who do not complete their studies in the expected time period (leave time included);
c. students who do not follow the necessary procedures and/or timetable for resuming interrupted studies or whose application to resume studies is rejected;
d. having failed six credits degree courses , or after retaking also having failed three credits degree courses.
e. students who are injured or disabled such that they can not carry on normal studies;
f. students who do not attend classes and/or compulsory activities for two or more weeks without permission.
g. students who themselves apply to leave the university.
第二十五条 留学研究生退学,由本人申请或导师、就读学院提出书面报告,填写《广东海洋大学研究生休、复、退、转学等申请表》(附证明材料,因病退学须有医院病情证明书)经导师、就读学院审批,经研究生处、对外联络处审核,学校批准并备案。中国政府奖学金生须报国家留学基金委备案。对退学的留学研究生,由研究生处将退学通知送交本人。
25. Students who wish to withdraw from their studies should apply to do so themselves or through their advising professors or relevant school and submit a written report. Students should complete the appropriate form, which must be approved for record-keeping purposes by a college mentor, the postgraduate office and the Foreign Affairs Office. For the CSC scholarship students, the school also needs to notify the Guangdong Province Department of Education and China Scholarship Council for their records.
Finally, the withdrawal notice will be sent to the student by the postgraduate office.
第二十六条 退学的善后问题,按下列规定办理:
26. Students dismissed from the university must heed the following regulations:
a. Students, for whatever reasons, dismissed from the university are required to follow regular leaving procedures and leave within two weeks. International students on a scholarship will have their scholarship revoked from the day they receive their dismissal notice.
b. Students diagnosed with mental disorders and/or illnesses which are not acceptable under Chinese health and quarantine regulations will be delivered to their country’s embassy/consulate or to their parents/guardians.
c. No fees will be returned to students expelled from the university. For special cases, a refund may be considered only with the approval of all relevant departments.
d. The tuition fees of students who leave voluntarily, who are dismissed from the university, or who are expelled from the university will not be reimbursed.
第六章 毕业、结业与肄业
Section Six: Graduation, Completion of Courses, and Certificate Qualifications
第二十七条 留学研究生在学校规定年限内,按培养计划的规定,完成课程学习和必修环节,成绩合格,完成学位(毕业)论文并通过答辩的,准予毕业并发给毕业证书。攻读哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学及艺术专业的留学研究生,学位论文一般应用汉语撰写和答辩,特殊情况须经导师同意,方可使用英语撰写和答辩,攻读其他专业的留学研究生,学位论文可以用汉语或英语撰写和答辩,但学位论文摘要必须用中文、英文两种文字撰写。
27. Postgraduate students who have completed all the courses required by our training plan(including both the compulsory and optional courses), and achieved their qualifications, finished their graduation papers, passed the thesis defense by the thesis committee will be awarded The Certificate of Graduation. Students pursuing Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Liberal Arts, History, and Art subjects, after getting the permission of their tutor, can write and defend their thesis in Chinese. Students in other majors can write and defend their thesis in Chinese or English, but abstracts must be written in both Chinese and English.
第二十八条 留学研究生通过培养计划规定的学习,但学位(毕业)论文答辩未通过者,准予结业,发给结业证书。
28. Students who have completed all the required coursework but have failed in their thesis defense will be given a certificate only recognizing completion of their courses.
Candidates who fail in their thesis defense may modify their thesis and apply for a second thesis defense with the approval of the thesis committee. Students who succeed in their second defense will receive a graduation diploma. Those who fail the second time will not be allowed to try again.
Doctorate candidates who do not fulfill the requirements of the doctorate but meet those of the master’s may be awarded a master’s degree.
第二十九条 符合学位授予条件者,由学校颁发学位证书。按《广东海洋大学博士、硕士学位授予工作细则》执行。
29. Students who have met all degree requirements will be awarded the appropriate degree certificate, according to The Master’s and Doctorate Degree Conferring Rules of GDOU.
第三十条 学习期满一学年以上退学的学生,由学校颁发肄业证书。
30. Students who have studied for more than one year and leave the university during their course of studies will be given a certificate testifying to their completed studies up to that time.
第三十一条 留学生毕业或结业,须在离校前一星期凭本人学生证到研究生处领取《离校通知单》,并按表上程序办理相关手续。学生办完离校手续后,须将《离校通知单》及学生证交回研究生处,否则,不予领取证书。未办理手续而擅自离校的学生,学校不予办理其学习证明、学习成绩单及毕(结)业证书等文件。
31. Graduating students should bring their student IDs to the postgraduate office to get a copy of the School Departure Process Form a week before leaving the university. Students must undergo all procedures as listed on the form before exiting the university. Once all these procedures have been completed, graduating students should submit the School Departure Process Forms and their student ID to the postgraduate office. Students who do not carry out these procedures will be refused release of their study certificates, transcripts, and/or degree certificates.
第三十二条 毕业、结业、肄业证书和学位证书如有遗失或者损坏,不再补发。若确实需要,经本人申请,研究生处核实后可出具相应的证明书。证明书与原证书具有同等效力。
32. If a student’s certificate and/or diploma is lost or destroyed, the student should ask for a confirmation to corroborate this and notify the university but the student will not get another certificate. Once approval is granted by the postgraduate office, a testimonial of study can be issued confirming the student’s studies and the attainment of relevant certificates.
第七章 提前毕业与延长学习期限
Section Seven: Early Graduation (In Advance) and Study Extension
第三十三条 三年制硕士留学生提前修完培养计划规定的学习任务,学习成绩优秀(课程平均成绩大于等于90分),较好地完成学位论文,至少有一篇与学位论文相关的以广东海洋大学为第一署名单位、以本人为第一作者或导师为第一作者、本人为第二作者身份在中文核心期刊或以上发表的学术论文,可以申请提前一学期毕业。两年制硕士留学生不可以提前毕业,博士留学生不可提前毕业。
33. Postgraduates in three-year programs may apply to graduate one term earlier if they have met all degree requirements, passed all exams, got excellent grades (an average score greater than or equal to 90), and have published at least one article written under their own name or under a joint authorship between themselves and their tutor related to the thesis in the “Chinese Key Periodical Item Digest”. Full-time (in two-year)professional degree graduate students can not graduate ahead of schedule, PhD(in three-year programs) students may not graduate ahead of schedule.
第三十四条 要求提前毕业的硕士留学生,应于要求提前毕业的时间算起提前三个月提出书面申请,经导师同意,就读学院审查后,送研究生处审核,主管校长批准,方可提前毕业。
34. Postgraduates in three-year program who wish to graduate earlier must apply three months ahead of time. Once approval is obtained from their advising professor, their school, and the postgraduate office, they may proceed with an earlier graduation.
第三十五条 硕士留学生基本学制为2-3年,博士留学生基本学制为3年。因特殊原因不能按期完成学业者,可适当延长学习期限。两年制硕士留学生最长在校学习年限(含休学)不得超过4年,三年制硕士留学生最长在校学习年限(含休学)不得超过5年;博士留学生最长在校学习年限(含休学)原则上不得超过6年。延长期间,不发普通奖学金及业务培养费,一切费用自理。
35. The standard period of study for a postgraduate is two or three years, and for a doctorate student it is three years. Students who cannot complete their studies within the regulated time may apply to extend their period of study. A postgraduate in a two-year program may not study for longer than four years (including agreed periods of absence), and one in a three-year program is limited to five years. A doctorate student who extends his/her period of study may remain for a total of maximum six years. During the extended, regular scholarship and cultivation subsidy will be suspended, and students will bear all expenses.
第三十六条 留学研究生要求延长学习期限,由本人提出书面申请,经导师同意,就读学院审核,报研究生处审核,主管校长批准。延长学习年限时间不计学制。
36. When requesting an extended learning period, students have to present the permission from their supervisors, their schools, the postgraduate office and then the approval of The principal. The extending period will not be considered in the length of schooling.
第八章 奖励与处分
Section Eight: Reward and Punishment
第三十七条 对于品学兼优的留学研究生,给予表扬(口头或通报),颁发奖状、证书、奖励金等。具体奖励方式按《广东海洋大学研究生学籍管理暂行办法》执行。
37. Outstanding international postgraduate students will be, commended orally or officially, awarded certificates and a bonus. According to the Interim Regulations of Status Management for Graduate Student of GDOU.
第三十八条 对有违法、违规、违纪行为的留学研究生,视其具体情况给予批评教育或者警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看和开除学籍等纪律处分。具体按《广东海洋大学研究生学籍管理暂行办法》执行。
38. Students who break the rules and laws will be warned, or punished in such ways as the formal recording of deleterious conduct, a period of academic probation or school expulsion according to the Interim Regulations of Status Management for Graduate Students of GDOU.
第九章 附 则
Section Nine: Supplementary Comments
第三十九条 本细则适用于在我校学习的全日制留学研究生。本细则自发文之日起实施,解释权归研究生处、对外联络处。
39. These regulations, where the right of interpreting the details belongs exclusively to the postgraduate office and Foreign Affairs Office of GDOU, are applicable to all international full-time postgraduates at GDOU.